I just love this picture of Kevin and my Mom. He told her she looked like a rock star that day with her studded belt. So we had to take a rocking out picture.
Left to right. My cousin Shayne, my Dad, and my sister Lacy
Mom mid story. We always kid each other about always having our mouth open talking in every picture, so I had to put this up.
This is Max's cousin Ethan. What a doll. He and Max are only 11 days apart. He wanted a gift to open so bad. I learned a lesson at this party. Always have a little a gift for the other kids to open. Especially at this age!
Its so hard to watch someone else open gifts, especially when you are 4.
I'm not sure what Max had put in his mouth, but it is quite obvious that he didn't like it very much. But look at Ethan, he loved everything about the party.
I think that all the kids and adults were sugared up by the end of the day.
Max was very happy with his selection of food for the party. He was so funny. He didn't want anyone to eat the doughnuts that were in the back of the dump truck. He thought that those were only for him.
Happy Birthday Max! These pictures are from Max's 4th Birthday party. We had a family and friends party at our house for his birthday. Max isn't a cake eater....so he requested that we have pizza and doughnuts instead. So that's what we had. Everyone had a great time and wow, you can't get easier than that menu. It was a beautiful day outside that day and luckily a lot of our family that we weren't able to see at Christmas got to come to the party so it was a nice day of catching up. I can't believe that he is 4 already. The time just flies.
Max and Daddy trying on his new flight suit from Grandma.
This is Max's cousin Cody. Max just loves Cody. I ask him one time who his favorite person in the whole wide world was, hoping of course that he would say me, but he said that it was Cody.
I just love this picture of Max and his Aunt Lacy. She was so happy that when she got up there was an ear print left on her arm. I think that Lacy is as crazy about Max as Kevin and I are. Mom says that Lacy's cubicle at work looks like a shrine to Max.
Max and Evie making cookies. Evie is my friend Cyndee's little girl. We were neighbors, but Cyndee now lives in Ohio. They came down to visit last summer and we had a great time. We can't wait to see them again in July.