How Old is Max

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Stars Wars at the McWane Center

Max and Kevin went to a special breakfast at the McWane Center. They got to eat pancakes and hang out with the characters from Star Wars. Max was all excited and very brave until the Storm Troopers and Darth Vader walked in. Then Kevin said he put the death grip on his leg and wouldn't take a picture by himself with them at all. They did have a great time.

Of course he had no problem taking a picture alone with Princess Lea. I just hate this one turned our so fuzzy.
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Tractor Fun

Max and Reese playing on the tractor. They have so much fun playing together. And we have so much fun watching them!
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Chris Porsche

Chris Porsche is Kendall's Miami Vice Name. I can just hear the music now.

Max & MiMi on the boat

He was completely played out. This was on our way back to the Marina after a day out on the water. I still don't know how he was sleeping. The boat was hitting those waves and almost knocking the rest of us off our seats, but he managed to hang on and snore the whole ride home.

Beach Bum

No I didn't make him wear the life jacket playing on the beach.....We had taken the boat out to crab island and the current is really strong in the water where the bay flows into the ocean. Anyway, that was the only way I would let him get in the water there. But what a cutie. He loves his sun glasses.


Blake's friend did the air brush tattoos at Baytowne and hooked Max up on several. He thought he was big getting tattooed by uncle Blake's friend. There was some other kids watching and Max was sitting there like a pro.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Climb Monkey Climb

Max insisted on trying this. They harness the kids and let them try and climb to the top of these fake palm trees. He really did a great job. He didn't make it all the way to the top, but almost. I know next time he will.

The big chair

These pictures were taken at Baytowne in Destin. We were there for Memorial Day. Max loved the idea of this gigantic chair.

Medal Time

All the kids got medals at the last game. The only problem was the older kids got trophies and the 4 yr olds were a bit disappointed in their medals.

More T-Ball Pics

Only the mom that put these whistles in the goody bags was enjoying them! They all blew them the WHOLE time we were at the ball park that day. All the parents wanted to shoot that lady. This is Max's Grandma and Poppa (Kevin's Parents)

Lets get ready to shake hands. And remember don't slap hands too hard!

My baby was the pitcher at the last game. How cute is he? He really thounght he had made it at this game. He did so good playing ball. It was a struggle at first, but by the last couple of games you could somewhat tell they were playing baseball.

4 yr old T-Ball

The snacks were all the kids favorite part of the games and practice. In fact at one of the practices someone forgot to bring the snacks and we thought there might be a riot.

There is a playground at the park where they played their games. Yet another favorite activity of all the players.

Watch Out! Never give a 4 year a bat until he is supposed to swing it. They just can't help themselves.

I like to call this one Hit and Run. They may not run the right way, but they swing that bat and take off.

Max rocking out in Poppi's car.


This is my dad and his brother Dorsey. We really miss he and his family a lot. We dont get to see them near as often as we would like.


$49 Bucks

Max got this toy for his birthday and loved the box much more than the truck that came in it. He got out of bed the morning after his birthday and went downstairs before I got up. When I came down the stairs this is what I saw at the bottom. I said oh look there's a kid for sale. How much do you cost? He looked at me so serious and said I cost 49 bucks! What a deal

Look at my big muscles